What happens during the worship service?
Our service begins around 10:50 and goes until around 12 O'clock. We begin with a short time of announcements followed by a time of greeting and singing. Our Minister of Music, Daniel Humble, works hard to lead us in a time of truth-filled passionate praise and worship. He works with a choir, drummer, pianist, Daniel plays the guitar, keyboard and also includes other instruments throughout the year. We sing a mixture of newer and older songs; traditional and contemporary. There are soloists, choir specials and a lot of congregation singing and involvement.
Following our time of singing our Pastor, John Graves, delivers a message derived from God's Word. Sermons are typically around 30 minutes long and progress verse by verse through the Bible. John tries to preach expository sermons that are both biblically accurate and easily applied.
The service concludes with a time of invitation. We sing as we pray and respond to the Word of God. Those who feel God leading them to become a Christian, join the church, rededicate their lives, or make other spiritual decisions are invited to come and pray with the pastor. The front of the church is open during this time for prayer as well.
We hope to have you join us this Sunday for Worship!